reaching further, together
We Share our Success
TradeOfThings stands for senior professional experience on international trading, global trusted sourcing, sharp product quality, domain consulting and integral dedication to provide a great customer experience.
TradeOfThings Global Ventures is a privately held Company with headquarters in Lisbon, Portugal and sales agents in Maputo, Mozambique and Copenhagen, Denmark.
We open our Capital to Equity Investors and Value Chain Partners who share our Vision, Ethic and Business Values. Want to join a fast growing venture on a ever growing trading markets?
Management Team
Partner 1
Partner 2
Global Markets & CEO
African Markets
Extensive experience on international markets. Results oriented. Colaborative. Team Player. Problem solver.
OnBoarding now.
Partner 3
North & South American Markets
We are searching for Partners and market opportunities to invest.
Partner 4
Nordic Markets
OnBoarding now.